I am passionately committed to the premise that one person, can indeed make a significant difference in the world! Inspired by Danny Brown and the 12 for 12K Challenge, during the next 12 months, I will write about, bring awareness to and raise funds for causes that have touched me, either directly or through someone I love. The idea is to inform and encourage positive change, within our individual circles of influence.
In some cases, it's just plain hard to talk about topics like Infant Death, Domestic Violence or Suicide. In other cases, like ALS/MND, Transverse Myelitis or Crohn’s & Colitis disease, the patient population is relatively small and there are no celebrities or athletes to bring attention and big $$. So, few of us even know or think about these causes, until they are un-ceremoniously dumped into our universe. Then, we look to find whatever we can and hope there is “someone out there” who can help. My goal is to raise at least $1000 each month, to be shared equally by three not for profit organizations who serve these underserved communities.
Please join me. 1 + 1 = unlimited possibility!