Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wow....what a ride!

The last 30 days have brought a whirlwind of change into my life....some good (my best friend got married, a new tech contract, new work mates, new routines), and some where it may take me a little time to find the good...but I know it's there!  In my younger days, I would have just powered through and found myself very run down and more vulnerable to infection.  I've heard it said that the definition of insanity is "to do the same things, in the same way, and expect different results!"

One of the biggest changes is that my friend Janey (you met her last month) received a breast cancer diagnosis.  I have to admit that those of us closest to her are pretty shaken.  She has asked to be a guest writer to this blog and share her story as it unfolds.  Of course I agreed and the first installment will publish tomorrow.  Please hold good thoughts and send good wishes her way as she prepares for surgery this Saturday.

November is National caregivers month, and no discussion of caregiving would be complete (in my opinion) without a brief chat on self care! In order to be available for others, you must "fill up" and make sure you have some reserves to share. For once, I have followed my own advice!!! In order to cope with all of this change, I've had to really pare down and take care of myself.  I'm not sure that I've done the best job, but I know that in the past 2 weeks, I've been much calmer about the changes in my life and feel more I guess that's good!

So...caregiving for me is to:
  1. stop and admit that there is a whole lot going on
  2. learn the fine art of saying no, or not now (at least until I've restored a little balance)
  3. stick to the priorities and cut out all of the "nice to have" or "nice to do" tasks/events
  4. get a massage!!
  5. get to bed early, every night!
  6. take my vitamins and extra emergen-C
  7. read and reflect on the messages in the Daily OM
  8. catalog my blessings in my gratitude journal, every night
  9. just breathe!
How do you take care of yourself?  Please share your thoughts.

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