Friday, September 25, 2009

Fundraising for "chickens"

OK...I'll just cut to the chase. It's scary to ask people for money. There...I said it. Now it's out in the open and we can talk about it.

I agree, it can be hard to ask for money. But I find it's less difficult to discuss a cause that I am passionate about. I don't have experience asking for big, grant sized sponsorships or donations. I aspire to this type of confidence! But I am pretty good with what I call "grassroots fundraising" where a lot of little bits quickly adds up to something significant. In my experience, there are three primary keys to success:

  1. ASK! Countless surveys have shown that the #1 reason people don't give is... "because nobody ever asked them"! Don't ever think you can't ask. If someone is not able to donate, for whatever reason, thank them for listening and share your story with the next person on your list. Which leads us nicely into key #2 which is....
  2. You need a great story! Keep it short, simple and heartfelt. Practice and speak from your heart. A good example can be found at DFTALS.  Here are a couple of the high points to include:
    1. Why are you raising the money?
    2. Why is the cause so important to you?
    3. Why now?
    4. How have you benefited from the services offered by the organization?
    5. How will the funds make a difference to the cause?
  3. And last, but certainly not least, you need a PLAN! Here's an easy guide to raising $200 in 10 Days for your favorite cause:
Day 1      Start it off right by putting in $20          $20
Day 2      Ask your significant other for $20          $40
Day 3      Ask one of your parents for $20            $60
Day 4      Ask a sibling for $25                            $85
Day 5      Ask 3 friends for $15 each                    $130
Day 6      Ask your boss for $20                          $150
Day 7      Ask 2 co-workers for $10 each              $170
Day 8      Ask a neighbor for $10                        $180
Day 9      Ask the kids' coach for $10                  $190
Day 10    Ask a local business owner for $10        $200


If you don't have parents or a significant other, adjust the friends/co-workers "ask" accordingly. Do not be surprised when people offer to give you more than you ask for! Remember to send a thank you note! You can find some additional fundraising hints to help with orgainzed, online fundraising in my earlier post "We're walking...we're walking...."

Now, share this game plan with every one of the folks who have signed up for your walk/ride. Help them develop their own story. When 5 of your friends duplicate your efforts, you will be responsible for $1,000+, which I can promise you, will go a long way for the cause of your choice.

Have fun and please share your success with your fellow grassroots fundraisers by posting a comment. I'd love to hear your stories!!

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